Prep 4: MongoDB
Due Date: Thursday, September 26th at 10:00am
Expected time: One hour
MongoDB is a NoSQL database that we will use in future assignments and the final project to create a robust web application. NoSQL databases are non-relational databases that have provided developers with the ability to store and query large amounts of unstructured data. This unstructured aspect is key since it affords the developer the flexibility to make modifications to the database throughout implementation. Companies such as Amazon, Google, and Netflix all use NoSQL databases (source).
In this prep, you will learn how to set up an instance of a database for your web application on the cloud using MongoDB Atlas. By the end of this prep, you will have learned how to create a working database, how to test the database, and how to use it on your web application.
This prep will ask you to write a small amount of code in order to get your feet wet with MongoDB. In order to receive credit for the prep, you must add a photo of your testing client that you used to test the TODOs (specifically, a photo after you’ve deleted a post) and submit a link to your work showing a legitimate attempt (do not worry if you don’t have it working perfectly).
Creating your repo. Click onto this repo. Click on “Use this Template” and then “Create New Repository”. Then, clone the repository to your local machine.
Create a MongoDB account following these steps.
Read on how to get started with the fundamentals on MongoDB here.
Complete the three TODOs in the prep’s repository.
Test your changes following these instructions.
Submit. Upload a photo of your testing client after you’ve deleted a post and the link to your repo on the prep submission form.
To learn more about fundamental CRUD MongoDB operations, go check out its documentation.
To learn more about filtering in MongoDB, go check its documentation